Cabinet of Curiosities

Here is a number of thing I've found and thought pretty cool to share.




No Gods, No Masters: An Anthology in Anarchism - Daniel Guerin, 1980 (AK Press English Edition, 2005)

The City in the Forest: Reinventing Resistance for an Age of Climate Crisis and Police Militarization - Anonymous, 2022 (printable PDF, CrimethInc)


Internet Archive Public Domain Images - A Flickr feed of images from TBH Kind of a pain in the ass to use sometimes but there is SO much on there.

Internet Archive Gifcities - Searchable database of archived gifs from Geocities websites.


Fair warning: I have a tendancy towards nonfiction or comedy podcasts about upsetting topics.

Behind the Bastards - Robert Evans, CoolZone Media

Biweekly podcast about horrible people throughout history. My personal favorite podcast, despite how upsetting it can be at times. Mostly covers US-Centric history. Recommended episodes:

Cool People Who Did Cool Stuff - Margaret Killjoy, CoolZone Media

On the flipside, Cool People Who Did Cool Stuff is a Biweekly podcast about very cool people throughout history. Many of the topics Margaret covers are about anarchist movements or innovations. Recommended episodes: